
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2020



Frans likes to stay at room temperature. It's where he performs best. He doubles in 4h and peaks at 2,5x volume.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 90% T65 flour
  • 10% Whole Rye Flour
  • 90% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 90% T65 flour
  • 10% Whole Rye Flour
  • 90% Water
Depending on my working schedule if feed Frans 2 times a day. Before leaving to the bakery and when I'm back home. Mostly it's around 5am and 5pm
90% T65 flour 10% Whole Rye Flour 90% Water

Metodo di lavorazione

Frans is a liquid wheat & whole rye sourdough. He lives in my kitchen at 22¨¨° where I feed him at least twice a day. On working days I make my levain for at the bakery with Frans as a seed.
90% T65 flour 10% Whole Rye Flour 90% Water

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