Sally recipe


Nashville, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2011

Husband told me about sourdough and I decided to look at what it took to do it. The first time I tried was in 1989 or so. But it died. then in 2010 I started experimenting again. This time I had success. So the starter that I have now was created in 2011 (don't remember what month)


My sourdough and I have a chill relationship. It loves our house and reacts well to the environment she is in

Sapore e aroma

Sally jar shot
Sally front shot


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 100g Water - 100g
  • 100g Bread flour
Take out of refrigerator. Leave it on counter to get room temp for about 12 hours Then add flour and water
100g Water - 100g 100g Bread flour

Metodo di lavorazione

Store in refrigerator

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