
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2005

I didn't try, my mother gave me the basics in my early years (1958-66). I have been baking since i left my birht home. I have made one of my careers as a chef, the baking one.


I use my sourdough by the old way, it can freeze some times, debending on the out temperature. i have some of it as dried. The taste is not so sour

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

Ingredienti per il rinfresco


Metodo di lavorazione

My sourdough came from that part of Carelia we lost in the end of the war. Refugees had baking buckets with the sourdoug when they came to Norhern -Carelia. It was originally rye based

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Your system to fill in information is not made for oldway bakers ,who are not measuring .