Kvas Pekárna Kabát recipe

Kvas Pekárna Kabát

Praha 4, Czech Republic


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Kvas Pekárna Kabát

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Since 2015

We want make our, signature, czech bread so we need make our own sourdough too.


It is 3 staged fermented rye sourdough. 7 years old which was born in our bakery from czech rye flower. We made this sourdough for making typical czech bread which is know for sour taste. We make mostly wheat-rye breads with our sourdough.

맛과 풍미

Kvas Pekárna Kabát top shot
Kvas Pekárna Kabát jar shot
Kvas Pekárna Kabát front shot
Kvas Pekárna Kabát rising shot


Starting ingredients

  • 60% Water
  • 40% Rye flour

Feeding ingredients

  • 60% Water
  • 40% Rye flour
Into fermented sourdough add 60 percent of water and 40 percent rye flour. Mix slowly 5-10 minutes and let fermented.
60% Water 40% Rye flour

Working method

3- staged fermented rye sourdough
60% Water 40% Rye flour


Kabátův Cvrček - typical czech bread Staročeský Kabátův Pecen 3kg Třicátník - fermented bread Žitný chléb - rye bread
Kvas Pekárna Kabát  first overview
Kvas Pekárna Kabát  second overview
Kvas Pekárna Kabát  first slice
Kvas Pekárna Kabát  second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

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