
Liquido Farina Altro
Living Bread

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dal 2019

In Puratos, we have the Sourdough Library. I work with yeast in the company , and wanted to learn more about the Sourdough, so I started my own. You will never know how a sourdough works until you look after one yourself.... I want to do more with my sourdough and bake greater looking and tasting sourdough bread


Nice light brown colour. Strong rich smell. Lots of healthy bubbles. VERY ACTIVE

Sapore e aroma

Living Bread  jar shot
Living Bread  rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • g 100
  • g 100

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • g 100
  • % Coffee mix
Eureka Mills Brown Bread Flour and Coffee mix
g 100
Coffee Mix
% Coffee mix

Metodo di lavorazione

Eureka Mills Brown bread flour
g 100
Coffee mix
g 100


Great sour taste, the coffee mix adds to the acidity. I do sometimes add honey for a sweeter taste
Living Bread   second overview

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