
Liquido Farina Altro
The British Crown

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dal 2019

Baking healthy breads


I got this Starter from Mr. Nelson Mansfield from UK when he gave a training in our Academy in Kuwait 2019. the starter was 3 years old at that time. I'm still using it till today, the starter is very active whenever I prepare the leaven for the recipes.

Sapore e aroma

The British Crown top shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Flour
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 50% Flour
  • 50% Water
I feed the starter once every two weeks or earlier if I'm going to bake.
50% Flour 50% Water

Metodo di lavorazione

I got this Starter from Mr. Nelson Mansfield from UK when he gave a training in our Academy in Kuwait 2019. the starter was 3 years old at that time. I'm still using it till today, the starter is very active whenever I prepare the leaven for the recipes.
50% Flour 50% Water


Country Loaf

The British Crown Country Loaf first overview

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