Mediterranean sourdough recipe

Mediterranean sourdough

Kiskunfélegyháza, Hungria


Líquido Farinha Outro
Mediterranean sourdough

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desde 2017


It rises the dough quicker than my other sourdoughs made at room temperature. The oven rise is higher. The taste of the bread is very delicious. It's a little different.


Mediterranean sourdough top shot
Mediterranean sourdough jar shot
Mediterranean sourdough front shot
Mediterranean sourdough rising shot


Ingredientes iniciais

  • 7g Bran
  • 28g Hop tea
  • 7g Flour
  • 7g Flour
  • 7g Flour
  • 7g Flour

Ingredientes para alimentar

The sourdough is ready now. I fed it 2 times at ratio 1:1:1. Now it's strong enough for baking bread. After feeding I wait to rise to it's max. height at room temperature and put it in the refrigerator until the next bread baking.

Método de trabalho

It starts with mixing bran and hop tea, and is then fed with white wheat flour and water. t=35˚C in water bath
7g Bran 28g Hop tea
1st feeding after 24 hours with all purpose wheat flour, no liquid added. t=35˚C in water bath
7g Flour
2nd feeding after 6 hours with all purpose wheat flour, no liquid added. t=35˚C in water bath
7g Flour
3. feeding after 6 hours with all purpose wheat flour, no liquid added. t=35˚C in water bath
7g Flour
4. feeding after 6 hours with all purpose wheat flour, no liquid added. t=35˚C in water bath
7g Flour


White wheat bread

I've baked only bread using this sourdough so far.
Mediterranean sourdough White wheat bread second overview
Mediterranean sourdough White wheat bread first slice

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library