Simpson Sourdough recipe

Simpson Sourdough

Fairbanks, Stati Uniti d'America



Paese di origine Stati Uniti d'America

& Flavour


Liquido Farina Altro
Simpson Sourdough

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dal Unknown

This starter was created in the 1800s in California and has been in the Simpson family since then. I got it from my friend Morgan Simpson and have been teaching her to make things like pizza dough, bread, crackers, and English muffins. She grew up using it only for pancakes. I started using sourdough after moving to Alaska in 2006. I love this connection to the past instead of yeast from a store


This sourdough is so active and so forgiving. It always starts bubbling within minutes. It has a mild flavor and gives bread a lot of rise and chewy texture. It has been in the Simpson family since the 1850s in California but now it lives in Alaska.

Sapore e aroma

Simpson Sourdough jar shot
Simpson Sourdough front shot
Simpson Sourdough rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Warm water
  • 50% Bread flour

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 50% Water
  • 50% Flour
Remove starter from refridgerator
Add 1 cup warm tap water and 1 cup bread flour (I've split up my starter and fed batches with other flours and had great results) that I got from Costco
50% Water 50% Flour
Leave covered with a towel on counter overnight or for 8-12 hours

Metodo di lavorazione

I am currently feeding my sourdough with water and bread flour from Costco. In the past I have had multiple starters (from the same initial starter) with whole wheat, all purpose, and semolina. Usually I feed it 50% water and 50% flour, but every few feedings, I give it more like 40% water and 60% flour.
50% Warm water 50% Bread flour



Simpson Sourdough Bread second overview
Simpson Sourdough Bread first slice


Simpson Sourdough Pizza first overview

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