Riverside Lodge COVID-19 recipe

Riverside Lodge COVID-19

Provo, Stati Uniti d'America
Lievito madre perfetto


Liquido Farina Altro
Riverside Lodge COVID-19

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dal 2020

The pandemic gave me an excuse to make it. I had others but wanted to see what this new white whole wheat flour would yield


Mine is a sweeter, more grassy, (fresh from the field) kind of a starter. I keep six others but this one yields the best oven spring and crusts among all my collection

Sapore e aroma

Riverside Lodge COVID-19 top shot
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 jar shot
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 front shot
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 16g Whole wheat flour
  • 16g Rye flour
  • 32g Filtered water
  • 32g White whole wheat flour
  • 32g Filtered water
  • 32g White whole wheat flour
  • 32g Filtered water
  • 32g White whole wheat
  • 32g Filtered water
  • 125g White whole wheat flour
  • 125% Filtered water
  • 32g White whole wheat flour
  • 32g Filtered water
  • 125g White whole wheat flour
  • 125g Filtered water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 125g White whole wheat flour
  • 125g Filtered water
Four to six hours before I need it, I double it volume with equal parts of white whole wheat flour and water, take off half to bake with. refed it with cup (125 g) of white whole wheat flour and ½ cup (125 g) filtered water and then put it back into the fridge
125g White whole wheat flour 125g Filtered water

Metodo di lavorazione

DAY 1: To begin I sterilized a large glass jar, ground some wheat and rye berries mixed half and half, and put ⅓ cup (32 g) into the jar. Then I added ¼ cup (32 g) of filtered room temperature water. I mixed it all together and set it on the counter with a loosely fitting cover for a day.
16g Whole wheat flour 16g Rye flour 32g Filtered water
DAY2: The flour and water had separated, but I stirred it back together with ⅓ cup (32 g) of white whole wheat flour and another ¼ cup (32 g) filtered water and set it on the counter with a loosely fitting cover again.
32g White whole wheat flour 32g Filtered water
DAY 3: There was some activity; a few bubbles were showing. I fed it again with ⅓ cup (32 g) of white whole wheat flour and another ¼ cup (32 g) filtered water. I mixed it all together and set it on the counter with a loosely fitting cover once again.
32g White whole wheat flour 32g Filtered water
DAY 4: It had nearly doubled in volume, and it smelled like my other counter starter. I removed half the contents and mixed ⅓ cup of unbleached bread flour and ¼ cup filtered water back into the start, covered it loosely with the lid, and placed it on the kitchen
32g White whole wheat 32g Filtered water
DAY 5: Today the starter was frothy; it had risen, and fallen back on itself. I fed it right away again, but with one cup (125 g) of bread flour and ½ cup (125 g) of filtered water to build volume. The float test showed that this is already viable.
125g White whole wheat flour 125% Filtered water
DAY 6: Today I repeated the smaller, regular feeding (⅓ cup [32 g] flour and ¼ cup [32 g] water) but this little is really growing well now and is ready to use as a counter start.
32g White whole wheat flour 32g Filtered water
Day 7–14 I began taking off half of the starter by weight each day and adding one cup (125 g) of white whole wheat flour and ½ cup (125 g) filtered water. The starter became very active, sweet-smelling, and was good to use
125g White whole wheat flour 125g Filtered water


2 Boules, 4 Garlic Rosemary Bâtards , 4 Baguettes or Épi de Blé

1000 g while whole wheat four, with 780 g pure, filtered water, 34 g Redmond Real Salt, and 226 g active starter.
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 2 Boules, 4 Garlic Rosemary Bâtards , 4 Baguettes or Épi de Blé first overview
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 2 Boules, 4 Garlic Rosemary Bâtards , 4 Baguettes or Épi de Blé second overview
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 2 Boules, 4 Garlic Rosemary Bâtards , 4 Baguettes or Épi de Blé first slice
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 2 Boules, 4 Garlic Rosemary Bâtards , 4 Baguettes or Épi de Blé second slice


Carrot. Chocolate,
Riverside Lodge COVID-19 Cake first overview

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