Frodough Baggins recipe

Frodough Baggins

Edinburgh, Regno Unito


Liquido Farina Altro
Frodough Baggins

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dal 2015

I wanted to make sourdough pizza and as a microbiologist I wanted to make my own culture! Rather than buying one.


I try to promote more lactic acid production in my dough to give the bread a more creamy acidity. It started out very eager but over time it has slowed down and become quite robust. It is very forgiving of timings and temperatures making it into a workhorse of a culture and it is very adaptable if I want to play around with flour types.

Sapore e aroma

Frodough Baggins top shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 20g Apple
  • 20g Grapes
  • 50g Rye flour
  • 100g Water
  • 20g Rye flour
  • 15g Wholewheat
  • 15g Einkorn flour
  • 50g Fluid from initial mox

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

For maintenance I add 50g culture to 50g flour and 50g water. If I plan to bake with it soon I will leave it at room temperature but if I don’t plan to bake with it I will feed it and then put in the fridge to slow it down.
When I am going to bake I will add 75g water and 75g flour to 75g of culture.

Metodo di lavorazione

The first step was of course to kick start the culture so I used rye flour with some fruit as a source for the starter microbes. I added a small amount of salt here as a means to put some selective pressure to promote the microbes that are happy in a salty environment as that will pay off when baking bread as we need salt. I mixed all these together and the mix for 3 days in a warm spot .
20g Apple 20g Grapes 50g Rye flour 100g Water
After the initial stage I then strained the liquid from the first mix and added 50g of that liquid to 50g of flour. I used a mix of flour to provide a range of nutrients to promote a wide range of microbes in my final culture. This was left over night in a warm environment .
20g Rye flour 15g Wholewheat 15g Einkorn flour 50g Fluid from initial mox
So at this stage I have 100g of culture.. I took 50g and added that to 100g of my flour mix (as above) and 100g of water. I mixed them together and left them on the kitchen top for 4 hours to allow it to start to ferment. Then I put it in the fridge over night to further expand on the microbe community as and yeasts/bacteria are active at different temperatures.
Now it was ready to roll.. I removed half of the mix and refreshed the remainder with 75g of my flour mix and 75g of water.. and then kept it on my surface until it was fully active and it’s then ready to bake with.


Cinnamon buns

Sweet and yoghurty cinnamon buns made with a mix of white and einkorn flours.
Frodough Baggins Cinnamon buns first overview


Sourdough gives a much deeper flavour to doughnut dough and it’s soo good!
Frodough Baggins Doughnuts first overview
Frodough Baggins Doughnuts second overview

Pizza base

sourdough pizza dough is the perfect way to get a tasty pizza! Use a Tipo 00 pizza flour for a light chewy base

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