The Bread Pitt Mother recipe

The Bread Pitt Mother

Calgary, Canada


Liquido Farina Altro
The Bread Pitt Mother

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dal 2015

I watched "Cooked" by Michael Polan


Kept cold and fed frequently. I never bake with the mother only take from it to create pre-ferments for my baking

Sapore e aroma

The Bread Pitt Mother top shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 100% Whole organic rye
  • 100% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 50g Rye
  • 50g Water
Take starter out of the fridge Add 50 Grams Rye flour and 50 grams water
50g Rye 50g Water

Metodo di lavorazione

I keep the mother on a 100% hydration using whole organic Rye flour freshly milled. The Rye comes from British Columbia, Canada I use water filtered in a Santivia system.
100% Whole organic rye 100% Water


Ancient Grain Breads - No white or "bread" flour in my kitchen, no modern wheat. I use local organic Canadian flours
The Bread Pitt Mother  first overview
The Bread Pitt Mother  second overview
The Bread Pitt Mother  first slice
The Bread Pitt Mother  second slice

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