2016 PM3-Rogge recipe

2016 PM3-Rogge

Oudheusden, Paesi Bassi


Liquido Farina Altro
2016 PM3-Rogge

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dal 2016

I love bread...


It is a dry and very calm sourdough, Perfectjy to mix with a wheat-sourdough in a mixed-bread

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Water
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Whole Rye Flour
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • % Whole Rye Flour
Throw away half, and feed 1 part sourdough with 1 part water and 1 part whole rye flour. Stir and let ferment fot 3-5 hours, then back in the fridge (or start baking)
% Whole Rye Flour

Metodo di lavorazione

Day 1: Mix 50 gr whole rye and 50 gr water. Stir and let ferment.
50% Water 50% Whole Rye Flour
Day 2: Add 50 gr whole rye and 50 gr water. Stir and let ferment.
50% Water 50% Whole Rye Flour
Day 3: Throw away half and repeat day 2.
50% Water 50% Whole Rye Flour
Day 4: Repeat day 2
50% Water 50% Whole Rye Flour
Day 5: Repeat day 2.
50% Water 50% Whole Rye Flour
Day 6: feed again and let it ferment till the volume is two times standard. Now the sourdough is ready for baking. Keep the sourdough in the fridge and feed every week or before baking
50% Whole Rye Flour 50% Water

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