
Liquido Farina Altro
Bob jr.

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dal 2021

First of all, I love the taste of the bread. Is you like to eat bread dayly, think about the amount of stuff you get in your body when eat commercial bread. And, working with sourdough is so relaxing! And every time a little surprise when it comes out of the oven. Who doesn't like that?


He is fast and doesn't want to wait to long. But sometimes he needs to wait a little longer because life happens, he will be fine waiting in the fridge. I think het likes to look at his friend kim-chi, his bed is right next to hers.

Sapore e aroma

Bob jr. top shot
Bob jr. rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 15% Rye
  • 35% Flour
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco


Metodo di lavorazione

Bob jr. is fast, he doesn't like to take to much time to get the job done.
15% Rye 35% Flour 50% Water



Bob jr. Bread first overview
Bob jr. Bread second overview

Pancakes/ cinnamon rolls/ pizza

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