Quentin recipe


Kingston Upon Thames, Royaume-Uni


Liquide Farine Autres

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Depuis 2020

The 'Bread Ahead: Baking School' book by Matthew Jones from the well-known borough market bakery. I made my first sourdough on 12/01/2020, but not with Quentin (a different starter which was not strong at all and is now gone). Quentin's birthday is 28/04/2020.


Quentin provides good rising power, but above all has a lovely flavour. He was made in 2020, but I have added a starter which was 7 years old from a bakery into the micro-environment, so has a lot of unique, deep and mature flavour from that.

Goût et saveur

Quentin top shot
Quentin jar shot
Quentin front shot
Quentin rising shot


Ingrédients de base

  • 50% Light rye flour
  • 50% Water

Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain

  • 33.3% Quentin
  • 33.3% Light rye flour
  • 33.3% Water
Discard all except 50g of starter.
33.3% Quentin
Add in 50g light rye flour.
33.3% Light rye flour
Add in 50g water and stir to combine.
33.3% Water

Méthode de travail

Light rye flour - from Dove's farm. I use this flour because it has the flavour of rye and some of darker rye's stronger rising power, but the whole grain does not inhibit the gluten. It provides a good balance between dark rye and white flours, without mixing the two.
50% Light rye flour
Water - from the tap. I don't use filtered water because for some reason the water from my fridge filter inhibits the growth of my starter, but I do need to experiment on this a little bit more. The water where I live is of good quality and has a nice flavour.
50% Water


Sourdough White loaf

My own recipe makes a delicious classic white sourdough loaf with a little wholemeal and spelt beautiful flavour.
Quentin Sourdough White loaf first overview
Quentin Sourdough White loaf second overview
Quentin Sourdough White loaf first slice
Quentin Sourdough White loaf second slice

Sourdough Pizza

Home-oven made Neapolitan pizza, using the Bread Ahead recipe. An amazing flavour in the crusts, delicious!
Quentin Sourdough Pizza first overview
Quentin Sourdough Pizza second overview
Quentin Sourdough Pizza first slice
Quentin Sourdough Pizza second slice

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