Depuis 2018
Passionate about a bread. I like to try out new flavors, variations and colors. I made it for a long time with yeast. But I was really catching the leaven 'taste'...
Homer has been a strong starter since the beginning. The bread made from the sour has a light open crumb and crispy crust.
Goût et saveur

Ingrédients de base
- 50g Strong white flour
- 50g Stonegroung wholemeal rye flour
- 100g Water
- 50g Pre homer
- 50g Strong white flour
- 50g Stoneground wholemeal rye flour
- 100g Water
- 50g Pre homer
- 50g Strong white flour
- 50g Stoneground wholemeal rye flour
- 100g Water
Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain
- 50g Strong white flour
- 50g Stoneground wholmeal rye flour
- 100g Water
- 50g Homer
Homer is on a diet.
He gets fresh food 1 to 2 times a week.
50g Strong white flour
50g Stoneground wholmeal rye flour
100g Water
50g Homer
Méthode de travail
Day 1 - Thoroughly mix 100g filtered room temperature water with 50g white flour & 50g wholmeal rye flour in a jar at least twice the size of the mixture. Loosely cover with a lid and set in a warm spot.
Day 2 - Mix thoroughly and cover with a lid.
50g Strong white flour
50g Stonegroung wholemeal rye flour
100g Water
Day 3 - This will be your first feeding. Discard all but 50g of the starter. To the jar, add 100g of filtered room temperature water and 50g of white flour & 50g wholmeal rye flour to the bowl, stir, and loosely cover.
50g Pre homer
50g Strong white flour
50g Stoneground wholemeal rye flour
100g Water
Day 4 to 7 - Repeat Day 2 steps.
Day 8 - Homer ready to use.
50g Pre homer
50g Strong white flour
50g Stoneground wholemeal rye flour
100g Water
Studied tomatoes & black olives 'baguette'.