
Liquide Farine Autres

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Depuis 2008

I travel to Europe a lot for work. Was a breakfast in Brussels, Belgium admiring the bread varieties and asked myself, "Why can't I get bread like this at home?". Then I had the revelation that if I wanted bread like that at home, I had to make it myself.


Starter has a very fruity/fermented aroma. Smells like a good wine when its been well fed. Produces loaves with a crust that have a caramel aroma but roasted flavor.

Goût et saveur


Ingrédients de base

Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain

  • 100g Levain
  • 100g Water
  • 50g Ap flour
  • 50g Whole wheat flour
I mix the remaining levain from the days bake with equal parts flour and water. I usually have 100 g of levain remaining. Half of the flour is AP (King Arthur) and the other half is whole wheat (usually Red Fife stone ground at home)
100g Levain 100g Water 50g Ap flour 50g Whole wheat flour

Méthode de travail


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