Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) recipe

Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter)

RENFREW, Estados Unidos
Masa madre perfecta


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Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter)

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desde 2012

I was writing a food blog and wanted to try my hand at sourdough a second time after a failed experience involving a starter sloshing around in my car. When I made the sourdough for my blog and then made the bread, I found I was in love. I haven't looked back. The slow, intricate process follows the theme of my business.


Inspired by a spunky character from classic American Literature, Pearl gets her namesake from the creamy pearl color of her ingredients. She is often fed with All-Purpose flour from Pennsylvania grown and milled hard red winter wheat or King Arthur AP Flour. Purified Drinking Water is her usual drink, but sometimes she imbibes with commercial craft beer when she's used in biscuits & beer bread.


Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) top shot
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) jar shot
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) front shot


Ingredientes de partida

  • 100% All-purpose flour
  • 100% Purified drinking water
  • 20% Mature starter

ingredientes de alimentación

  • 100% Ap flour
  • 100% Purified water
  • 20% Mature sourdough
Since I feed starter according to quantity of baking, I never have starter to throw out. 1.) Weigh Flour according to amount needed for bake and add to clay pot. 2.) Weigh water according to flour and add to clay pot. 3.) Weigh 20% of Mature Starter and add to clay pot. 4.) Mix by hand or wooden spurtle. 5.) Cover with lid and set in a warm place to rise for 8-12 hours. 6.) Add to dough.
100% Ap flour 100% Purified water 20% Mature sourdough

método de trabajo

I feed Pearl usually once a day as I use her everyday for made-to-order breads. She receives equal parts All-Purpose Flour and Purified Drinking Water with 20% Mature Starter. The water is at room temperature, but during the winter, I move Pearl to a warmer room (70F). I feed her in the morning according to the amount needed for orders. She is mixed and stored in a clay pot to rise for 8-12 hours.
100% All-purpose flour 100% Purified drinking water 20% Mature starter


Novel Breads

Several different loaves with different flour, English Muffins, Scones, laminated breads, waffles, flat breads, and more
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) Novel Breads first overview
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) Novel Breads second overview
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) Novel Breads first slice
Pearl (named after the character in The Scarlet Letter) Novel Breads second slice

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