![Gockhuuser recipe](https://thequestforsourdough.com/sites/default/files/styles/sourdough_detail_preview/public/sourdough/default/avatar_sourdough2.jpg?itok=KoL3bPM2)
desde 2018
In Switzerland bread is rarely made with sourdough. I was missing it as where so grew up it was the only way I knew.
It gives bread with crispy skin and elastic and soft flesh. It does not taste sour at al. In summer it smells more sour, in winter a delicate alcohol smell can be recognized. Bubbles in the bread are uniform and average size. Using this starter I make different breads, even the heavy dark bread with seeds and honey. Never had problem raising.
Ingredientes de partida
- 60% Wheat
- 30% Rye
- 10% Rye
- Cup Water
ingredientes de alimentación
- 300g Sourdough
- 800g Flour
- 2Cup Water
- 15g Salt
Add small cup of cold tap water, then 2 spoons of Klostermehl. Mix shortly with a wooden spatula. Cover the jar with the dough and spatula with paper, next day the same. Every third day take 300 g for baking, add 150g of flour to the sourdough and mix with water.
300g Sourdough
800g Flour
2Cup Water
15g Salt
método de trabajo
The starter comes from a 20 year old sourdough from Scharemberg traditional sourdough bakery. For more than 3 years now I cultivate it at home. It was originally wheat dough. But I am using “Klostermehl” that is a mix of wheat flour, rye flakes and rye flour. The flour comes from a local mill. To 150 ml of the sourdough I add every night 2 spoons of flour, and a small cup of cold tap water.
60% Wheat
30% Rye
10% Rye
Cup Water