
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere

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seit 2020

During the 2020 pandemic shops were running out of yeast and we thought it was the perfect occasion to try out sourdough baking. We were confined therefore we had time to take care of the starting process, keeping an eye on fermentation and experimenting with the sourdough itself.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

After two weeks from the creation of the started, it became steady and consistently rises in 3-4 hours at room temperature (above 20°C at home). It gives bread a rather fruity, honey-like flavor.

Geschmack und Aroma

Vito front shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 100g Type 0 flour
  • 100g Water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

  • 40% Sourdough
  • 40% Manitoba flour
  • 20% Water
Mix sourdough with the same amount of flour and half its weight in water, until you reach a bread-like consistency
40% Sourdough 40% Manitoba flour 20% Water
Let the sourdough rise for 3-4 hours (until it doubles in size) before putting it back into the fridge


Mix flour with water until you reach a soft consistency
100g Type 0 flour 100g Water
Let it rest in an open jar for 24 hours or until you see some fermentation happening

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