идеальная закваска


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С 2016

Curiosity, love for good bread since my grandmother has her roots from Germany, where they do a better job in bread than The Netherlands. A man called Simon gave me the magical moisture to get myself started. History is written.


The rye starter is a ticking bomb so fast it matures. Bubbles, bubbles and more of those beautiful gasses. The color is grey/brown.

Вкус и аромат

Simon top shot
Simon jar shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 50% Rhye
  • 50% Wheat
  • 50% Water

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 400g Rhye
  • 400g Wheat
  • 400g Water
Depending how much I need the next day, I feed them in equal amounts water and flour. Rhye for the rhye-starter and wheat for the wheat-flower. 200-400 gram water + 200-400 grams flour
400g Rhye 400g Wheat 400g Water

Метод работы

Two type of starters. One based on ecological wheat (flour) and one based on ecological rhye (full grain).
50% Rhye 50% Wheat 50% Water


Koper (rhye) bread

With 3 types of malt and beer. Dark and sweet flavour.
Simon Koper (rhye) bread first overview

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