С 2020
When I learned this was the why to make the most authentic and tasty bread I knew it was something I needed to do.
Its a very strong starter now. At first it was weak. The bread it gave was dense and heavy. Then I started feeding it with a freshly milled rye flour twice a day, and it started to double and almost triple in size. It always smells acidic and earthy. However it is able to produce bread with low levels of sourness. At too months, it is still young and has lots of work to do yet.
Вкус и аромат

Ингредиенты для стартера
- 80% White
- 20% Whole wheat
- 70% Water
- 2% Salt
- 20% Levian
Ингредиенты для обновления
- 15g Water
- 15g Rye
I keep a small starter. When I feed it I remove most of the starter on the jar. I do not leave a specific amount, just the bits that are hard to pick up with a spoon.
I add the water, and try to dissolve the starter that remained in the jar. I try to keep the sides of the jar clean.
15g Water
I add the rye flour and mix it. I mix until no dry bits remain. I try to even out the top layer, as to minimize exposed surface area.
15g Rye
Метод работы
Mix in flour and water for autolysis. The time I let it rest varies between 15 minutes to 5 hours.
80% White
20% Whole wheat
70% Water
Mix in the levain, and after it is incorporated mix in the salt. Both are mixed by hand using the Rubaud method.
2% Salt
20% Levian
After 30 minutes rest, I start the stretch and fold. I do one set of stretch and fold every 30 minutes, until completing 3 or 4 sets. Each set consists of a north, then south, then east, and then west stretch.
I bulk ferment from 1:30 hrs to 3 hrs.
Pre shaping using a dough scrapper, and bench rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
I still do shaping in a very simple way. After stretching the dough on the table I fold the north side into the middle, then the left and right sides. Finally, I fold the south side in to the middle, while simultaneously turning the dough over. I give it a little more surface tension using a dough scrapper.
I proof the dough from 8 to 16 hours on the refrigerator.
I bake using a dutch oven at 270 C for 25 minutes and at 200 C for other 20 minutes without the lid.
Classic sourdough
Just a white and whole wheat bread