
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Panne 1

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2019 이후

I was suite unsatisfied with the taste of the standard loaf of bread


The sourdough give a very distinctive flavour to the bread - very light sourly but not domination -- when I use the sourdough the ph is arount 4.2. The sourdough gives a very fresh fruity smell.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 50g 50% rye flower
  • 50g Water
  • 10g Artisanal beekepers honey
  • 110g Base
  • 220g Rye flower
  • 220g Water
  • 100g First refreshment
  • 100g Rye flower
  • 100g Water
  • 100g First refreshment
  • 100g Rye flower
  • 100g Water
  • 100g Second refreshment
  • 100g Water
  • 100g Reye


I use hermetically seald glass jars - cleaned and rinsed out with hot water - I take 10% of the existing starter and feed as follows accourding to the type of starter: rye : 10% previous starter 100% rye 120 % water liquid wheat: 10% previous starter 100% water 100% wheat hard starter = 10% previous - same amount of water and double amount of flour
when starting in order to bake - I add 5% honey in the first refreshement and do in total d-three refreshments before mixing it in the dough


I set up the sourdough a couple of years ago in my house near the coast and in a dune area. I started with rye flour and after a while also redirected part of the rye sourdough with standard wheat flour. I use now three sourdough - standard rye / liquid flour / hard flour.
50g 50% rye flower 50g Water 10g Artisanal beekepers honey
first refreshment
110g Base 220g Rye flower 220g Water
second refreshment -- keep 100 gr of first refreshment and continue - keep temp below 25° C - measure pH
100g First refreshment 100g Rye flower 100g Water
second refreshment - keep 100 gr of first refreshment - keep temp below 25° C - measure pH
100g First refreshment 100g Rye flower 100g Water
third refreshment -- keep 100 gr of second refreshment - temp not above 25*C measur pH -- normally already well below 5 - after one day the pH was around 4.3 from this basis I started making other starters with ordinary wheat flower T65/ T80
100g Second refreshment 100g Water 100g Reye

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library