
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

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2020 이후

All good bakery stores have gone, only industry bread in supermarkets left. Corona home-office gave me the required short time-slots for sourdough bread. With self milled flour now I have the farmer’s bread back, which I was used to quite some years, ago.


It goes very well with Rye and is perfect for mixing with Emmer or Einkorn. It produces a nice crust and an even crumb. It rather produces a softer dough.

맛과 풍미

Mooskuh jar shot
Mooskuh rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 50% Organic wholemeal rye flour
  • 50% Local tab water
  • 80% Existing sourdough
  • 10% Organic wholemeal rye flour
  • 10% Local tab water


  • 60g Freshly milled organic wholemeal rye flour
  • 60g Lacal tab water
Adding 60 g Freshly milled organic wholemeal rye flour and 60g water.
60g Freshly milled organic wholemeal rye flour 60g Lacal tab water


Based on organic wholemeal rye flour. Sourdough grown by myself at home over 7 days on the country side 40 km west of munich.
50% Organic wholemeal rye flour 50% Local tab water
Refreshed once a week only in the starting pot, not taken away from the dough of the next bread.
80% Existing sourdough 10% Organic wholemeal rye flour 10% Local tab water
The sourdough also spent 3 weeks at the baltic sea.


Rye-Emmer bread

Self milled organic wholemeal flour.
Mooskuh Rye-Emmer bread first overview
Mooskuh Rye-Emmer bread second overview
Mooskuh Rye-Emmer bread first slice

Rye-Wheat windmilled bread

Wheat wholemeal flour milled in an old durch mill in North Sjealand in Denmark and self milled wholemeal rye flour.
Mooskuh Rye-Wheat windmilled bread first overview
Mooskuh Rye-Wheat windmilled bread second overview

Pure rye bread

100% Self milled organic wholemeal rye flour.
Mooskuh Pure rye bread first overview

Rye fuit nut bread

Self milled organic wholemeal rye flour, dried fruits and roasted nuts.
Mooskuh Rye fuit nut bread first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library