
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2012 이후

Being stayed in Germany for quiet a long time I got addicted to Sourdough breads. And when we moved back to India I was missing all the flavour in the bread. And that made me get into the field and study about it and make my own Sourdough starter.


It is not that sour but very mild, which I prefer. So I'm happy with my starter. Once due to some family commitment I couldn't feed it for 2 months. So when I removed it from fridge and tried to revive it. It was up and active again in three day.And I started baking with it again.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • % Wholewheat flour


  • % Flour
Discarding 80 % of the starter and feeding it again with flour and water. My ratio is 1:4:4 . 1 part being starter,4 being flour and water. In flour I use 20% wholewheat flour and rest 80 % all purpose flour or bread flour.
% Flour


I started my starter with 20% whole wheat flour 80% all purpose flour with 100 % hydration . It was up and active in 9-10 days. Being from India I named it as Desi . :-)
% Wholewheat flour


Waffles, Loaves, wholewheat loaf, Potato boule, Pizza,crackers

Waffles, Pizzas , Crackers with discard.
Desi Waffles, Loaves, wholewheat loaf, Potato boule, Pizza,crackers first overview
Desi Waffles, Loaves, wholewheat loaf, Potato boule, Pizza,crackers second overview
Desi Waffles, Loaves, wholewheat loaf, Potato boule, Pizza,crackers first slice
Desi Waffles, Loaves, wholewheat loaf, Potato boule, Pizza,crackers second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library