Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf
Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Sauerteig Entdecken Sie die Bibliothekseit 2012
I was searching for a better bread when I moved to Brazil 8 years ago, where the bread is too much industrialized. Also, i am passionate about food production, so i enrolled in a deep searching in local bakeries and in my University. There, i joined up with a team of Senior lab assistants from Food and Agriculture Minister (MAPA), a Senior pHD Teacher and a pHD student who conducted this paper.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
This is the first sourdough studied in Brazil. It's made out of Native Brazilian organic wheat flour, witch is the most used in local organic bakeries. Our team conducted a scientific trial and we end up some interesting results. Here is the link to our work recently published in the scientific paper magazine "European Food Research and Technology": https://rdcu.be/bi7Ry