Andrew's rye culture
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Health and flavour plus I enjoy cooking and when I retired I wanted to master the art of bread making. I've made "yeast" breads for decades - SD eclipses the best of these in every way. There are very few local bakers who make quality fermented breads.
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
Has a mellow slightly tangy wine-like aroma with a distinctive buttery , autumn fruit nose with hints of hay not unlike a well-aged chardonnay. Has excellent reliability and stability for longer cool fermentations.
Geschmack und Aroma

Zutaten für den Starter
- 20g Rye flour
- 20g Dechlorinated water
- 5g Unpasteurised natural honey
- 40g Rye flour
- 5g Water
- 5g Unpasteurised natural honey
- 80g Rye flour
- 80g Water
- 100g Plain bread flour
- 100g Water
- 50g Rye flour
- 50g Water
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 50% Rye flour
- 50% Water
Remove enough to start a levain - usually about 20g per loaf to make a 1:5:5 levain.
Mix in the same amount of flour and water by weight as removed.
Allow to ferment at room temperature (~20-24C) for 1-2 hours.
Cover and store in wine fridge at 5-8C until next required. Generally 1-2 times per week.
50% Rye flour
50% Water
To make the "mother" culture for a "no discard" starter.
Day 1:
Beat ingredients together with a spoon into a stiffish batter.
Cover with damp cloth.
Leave for 24 hours at room temperature 20-25C.
Remoisten cloth as needed.
20g Rye flour
20g Dechlorinated water
5g Unpasteurised natural honey
Day 2:
Beat the fresh ingredients into the batter with a spoon.
Leave for 24 hours at 20-25C.
Remoisten cloth as needed
40g Rye flour
5g Water
5g Unpasteurised natural honey
Day 3:
Beat the fresh ingredients into the batter with a spoon.
Leave for 24 hours at 20-25C.
Remoisten cloth as needed
80g Rye flour
80g Water
Day 4
Beat in the fresh ingredients. Allow to ferment at 25C until doubled in volume.
100g Plain bread flour
100g Water
Each time you use the culture.
Split the “parent” in half and add the same amount of flour and water to each batch.
Beat in the fresh ingredients to each batch and allow to work until nice and bubbly before use.
One batch goes back into the fridge “for Ron”. The other provides 200g of levain .
50g Rye flour
50g Water
Breads, boules, baguettes, sandwich loaves

Pain au chocolate with many laminations

Easter buns
Sweet and fruity "Hot pagan" buns for Easter decorated with the Norse rune Othala - the hearthstone

Classic SD crumpets
All those holes demand butter and honey

Tarte flambe with creme fraiche, smoked maple bacon and red onion.
Provencal vegetable tarte - herbacious and delicious

Sourdough bagels
Just add pastrami and pickles