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С 2016

I remember watching Julia Child's PBS show back in the 1990s and some woman was baking with sourdough and she made a loaf with olives. I wanted to try that and a few years later was offered a starter. I was young and I killed it, so years after that I decided to make my own.


He works pretty fast, about an hour for activation and less than two hours for bulk fermentation. Unless I do a stretch and fold. His flavor is mild but his rise is strong.

Вкус и аромат

Sebstian top shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 25% Yeast water from raisins
  • 75% Whole wheat flour

Ингредиенты для обновления


Метод работы

I started Sebastian with a handful of raisins in 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. I used most of the water for its own loaf and made a paste with a table spoon of the water and 1.5 tablespoons of whole wheat flour.
25% Yeast water from raisins 75% Whole wheat flour


cinnamon rolls

Sebstian cinnamon rolls first overview

sandwich bread

Round, free form loaf
Sebstian sandwich bread first overview

rye sourdough boule

Sebstian rye sourdough boule  first overview

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I love the feeling of being in touch with the history of so many bakers before me.