Beryl Quatermass recipe

Beryl Quatermass

Bristol, United Kingdom


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Beryl Quatermass

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2020 이후

I am from Hungary and there was never a problem buying fresh yeast in any shop... even in the UK if I needed fresh yeast (hate the dried stuff) I would buy it from the local Hungarian shop. With Covid and lockdown - it was easier to "grow" mine - that is what I googled when I figured out what sourdough actually was...


I think she smells quite fruity (when not hungry), I always think the smell is closely resembling bananas or a banana smoothie (my husband disagrees, but my nose is bigger than his). She is active and reliable, I have not had any problems with her! Yields consistent results!

맛과 풍미

Beryl Quatermass jar shot
Beryl Quatermass rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 50% Plain
  • 50% Water


  • 50% Starter
  • 45g Plain
  • 45g Water
I feed her twice a day, morning and evening, not always at exactly the same time, as my working schedule allows. First feed of the day, I will take about half of the starter out and discard it
50% Starter
second feed of the day: if I am going to bake - I will not discard any starter, but will add equal by weight plain flour and water, so that I feed it up enough to be able to add to my dough as per the recipe I am using
45g Plain 45g Water


Nothing special, plain / all purpose flour is added to equal by weight water - I boil my water for 20 minutes, then let it cool down before I use it for the starter.
50% Plain 50% Water


Beginner sourdough bread

Beryl Quatermass Beginner sourdough bread first overview

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library