Essie, Myrtle, Sid and Corrado
2008 이후
So many people in my life started complaining of gluten issues. And then God brought an article about the digestibility of pre-fermented doughs and their increased digestibility. Einkorn, GF and Italian came about for one person I love who didn't do well with ww. The story is still evolving.
Essie is consistent, my first baby. The addition of yogurt and olive oil make a soft crumb and chewy crust. Slightly sweet naturally! Myrtle is sticky and hard to work with, smelling of good cheese! She makes bread that is always soft and boldly flavored. I'm still experimenting with Sid. Hoping to tame the sour. Corrado is a taffy-like consistency and makes SOFT sweet bread. My hub's fave.
맛과 풍미
시작하는 원료
Remove half to 3/4 of baby that's been in the fridge and feed with water and flour. And my house seems to be consistently 72 degrees...If I find that the babies are too tired in that environment, they get moved to the top of the fridge.
Essie is fully freshly milled whole wheat...turkey red, white or red, kamut, spelt or rye or a combination (all organic)
Myrtle is fully Einkorn, either white (joivial foods) or freshly milled (Jovial or Stutsman's farms)
Sid is my gf guy and just born. Still on milk
Corrado sonno Italiano completemente! (fully Itaian!)
I'm not very technical....I go by look and feel more than measurement for feeding. It took a while for me to throw away any of poor Essie, but she was begging for it to grow! Now, I feed enough water and flour to get a muffin-mis-like consistency for any baby except Sid. He seems to need exact, precise amounts of either flour or water or will do nothing at all!