완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2014 이후

Part of my family originates from South Tyrol, in Northern Italy, bordering Austria. As a child, during family holidays in this region, I used to enjoy its typical rye breads. I since developed a taste for sourdough rye bread, particularly if flavoured with caraway seeds. I now enjoy baking these loaves in London


Vera is a rye starter. It's thick and pasty when just fed and creamy and bubbly once fermented. It ferments quickly and easily triples in volume. It has a pleasant, fruity smell when recently fed, but turns pungent and acidic if left unfed for over a week.

맛과 풍미

Vera top shot
Vera jar shot
Vera front shot
Vera rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 10g Whole rye
  • 10g Water
  • 20g Whole rye
  • 20g Water
  • 40g Whole Rye Flour
  • 40g Water


  • 100g Whole Rye Flour
  • 100g Water
Vera is kept in the fridge when not baking. 12hrs before baking, Vera is removed from the fridge. All of the starter is discarded except 20g. To these 20g, 100g rye flour and 100g water are added.
100g Whole Rye Flour 100g Water


Vera began as a mixture of 1 part wholegrain rye flour and 1 part water. 20g rye flour was mixed with 20g tap water and left to stand in a closed glass jar, unstirred for 12hrs, overnight.
10g Whole rye 10g Water
Step 1 mixture was stirred in the morning and to it were added 20g rye flour and 20g tap water. Step 2 mixture was then left to stand for 12 hrs.
20g Whole rye 20g Water
From Step 2 mixture, all but 20g of the mixture was discarded. To the remaining mixture a further 40g rye flour and 40g water were added. This process was continued for the following 4 days, after which Vera was ready to bake.
40g Whole Rye Flour 40g Water



Bread, muffins, crackers, tortillas,
Vera Bread first overview
Vera Bread second overview
Vera Bread first slice
Vera Bread second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


Vera is named after my maternal grandmother, whom I loved very much. My grandmother originated from South Tyrol,in Northern Italy, on the border with Austria. Although my grandmother was not a baker, she was trained as a professional cook and passed her love for cooking onto me. I owe to her my perseverance to achieving good results with sourdough.